
Earthen in paradise

By Lonneke — September 14, 2015 12:23 pm

The feeling: when in a cartoon the character is swung a long way with a catapult, lands on its behind and bounces a couple of times, before coming to a stop and looking around confused and in wonder. We 'bounced' in Galle and Tissamaharana and now finally arrived at the place where we will just be for a while. The weird thing about embarking a journey like this, is the surrealness that surrounds every practical step you take. You have a dream, you decide to go for it, and the next months you're busy eliminating all these practical matters (like getting approval from the school attendance officer, getting subject material from school for our oldest two sons, getting unpaid leave from work, subletting our house, getting dozens of vaccinations, finding a place to store our car, arranging the proper insurance, buying a lot of malariapills, paying the dentist a visit, etc.). You'd almost forget what the purpose of all of these actions is: going on an adventure with our family on one of the most pleasant, breathtaking and easy-does-it continents on earth. So now we are here and we will take our time and acclimatize, we will earthen in this little piece of heaven on earth called Beach Hut (the name says it all, doesn't it?).

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