New kinda fall

New kinda fall

By Lonneke —January 07, 201803:35 pm

Started off this fall the right way by celebrating Saint Michael by harvesting and eating pumpkins at my work. Michael is seen as a bringer of solar power. He provides strong crops and a good harvest. Speaking of harvest: we were finally ready to reap what we'd sown. After putting so much attention, time, energy and love into developing our own designs and products, now our efforts were bearing fruit.  

Autumn and winter are the seasons of turning inwards - of introspection and cocooning. Of course we have all these light festivals on a regular basis, to make these dark months bearable, but mostly we withdraw, into our homes and into our souls.

Yet we did the complete opposite: right before Christmas, we opened our pop up shop at the harbour of Oudeschild on our island Texel! It was quite challenging; our nature is rather introverted, we don't particularly enjoy the spotlights. But now we had to show our true colors and really get out there!

It was a mad mission: the fisherman shed (the store) has no heating, running water or wifi. In some ways it's like our travels: back to basics, being dependent on each other, getting inventive and creative. Before we borrowed a small portable heater, the boys and I did aerobics between tending to customers to keep warm. We draw, write and craft, 'cause there are no other distractions. We watch the fishing cutters come in and the rescue ship depart the port entrance right across from us. We put on some music on the iPod and play a game of cards while Arjan tests his new ideas. We talk about future plans and creativity flows while the endless rain (proper Dutch winter) pounds the windows, adorned by our sign 'De Loods', which means storehouse as well as maritime pilot - so a very appropriate name. It's low season here, but the tourists that do come in visibly enjoy our different kinds of souvenirs and the islanders tell us they're pleasantly surprised by the variaty of postcards, shirts, message-in-a-bottle cards, bags and tea-light holders. They appreciate all the artisanal craftsmanship and we feel supported by them. And there's so much more to come; our product range grows by the week!

We named our Asia postcards 'Magic in the mundane'; now we're relishing in the Dutch mundane. Seagulls floating like anticipating feelers above the dunes. That's how I feel: perceiving possibilities, ready for potential chances, excited to press ahead and delighted to see what comes our way.

We've brightened up our own Christmas with this small shop, a shed of light at the dark and stormy harbour and I'll happily keep myself warm in any way, as long as I can stand there, surrounded by our handmade stuff, shivering in the dank of this weeks complete flood by high tide!

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