Pop up becomes more permanently up

Pop up becomes more permanently up!

By Lonneke —March 28, 201803:03 pm

When we opened our pop up shop at the harbour right before Christmas, we were under the impression that we'd have to vacate it 1st of April. But lo and behold: we can stay here for the whole high season! This triggers a whole new stream of ideas within us. So we scheme new ways to make the hordes of tourists that will flood our island, come by our shop. The entrance is situated right at the waterfront, where the fishing cutters lay docked. I absolutely love this location, but it turns out, people are herd animals and the more flashy snack establishment and souvenir shops are right behind us, and that's the route the masses take. So, we intend to create a new 'Desire Path' (elephant path in Dutch) and lure them our way; we have plenty of ideas to make our little corner attractive and spark people's curiosity.

Until now, the fisherman shed is divided very homely, with a large, high table, where we draw and craft, and our products scattered all over the place. We've noticed this can be somewhat confusing for customers; they're accustomed to a more traditional lay out. We've decided to cater to these wishes a little, so we'll build a counter in the back and group items more clearly. 

How my love will manage all this, all the while with taking care of our children, developing new products, building a new website, handling all administration and other stuff that comes with running a business and cooking a healthy meal every night; I haven't got the foggiest idea. But he'll get it done. Maybe a little behind on schedule, but something beautiful will rise from his hands in this store, that's for sure.

Bring it on spring, we're (almost) ready for you!

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